International guest faculty
DB Chepeha

Douglas B. Chepeha, MD, MSPH, FACS, FRCS(C) is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Michigan. He is part of a rich multidisciplinary environment that is directed toward solving questions though the conduct of innovative clinical trials relating to bioselection and individualized care. He helped pioneer efforts in sentinel node, selective neck dissection, microsurgical reconstruction and IMRT to improve swallowing outcomes.
He has a particular interest in teaching surgical dissection. He is on the Head and Neck Surgical Subcommittee for the NRG and has served on committees in SWOG, ACOSOG, AAO-HNS, AHNS and COS-HNS. He is the Co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery the official publication of the Canadian Society. His research interests relate to clinical and translational questions in head and neck oncology. He has particular interest in clinical trials, neck dissection, tumor response, molecular epidemiology, and reconstructive surgery. His clinical expertise is in the care of complex cancer patients.
RP Goepfert
O Laccourreye
KJ Lorenz

Prof. Dr. med. habil. Kai J. Lorenz, born 1966. Colonel Medical Corps
Studied medicine at Heidelberg University 1986-1993. Resident at Heidelberg University ENT clinic 1993-1996. ENT clinic at the German Armed Forces Hospital Ulm since 1996. 1998 Specialist in ENT medicine. 2001 Additional qualification in plastic surgery. 2005 Additional qualification in Head and neck surgery. 2016 Additional qualification in allergology.
Since 2003 senior physician, since 2015 deputy medical director and senior physician ENT clinic at the Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Ulm.
Since June 2020 Director of the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Disorders at the Bundeswehr Hospital Koblenz.
Chairman of the Head Centre at the Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Koblenz. Main areas of specialisation: Tumour surgery, NNH and skull base surgery, rehabilitation after laryngectomy, photodynamic laser therapy, plastic aesthetic surgery, reflux-associated diseases in the field.
T Moors
C Parrilla

Dr Claudio Parrilla, MD, PhD is a Head and Neck Surgeon at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Gemelli Hospital in Rome, Tertial referral center for Head and Neck cancer in Rome, Italy. Graduated at Catholic university of Sacred Heart in Rome.
Residentship at Gemelli Hospital with partnership at CHU in Nantes, France.
PhD at Catholic University of Sacred Heart, in Rome, focused on “Ex vivo gene Therapy for mandibular bone regeneration”.
Post-doc Fellowship at Medizinesche Hochschule Hannover.
Since 2012 he is the scientific coordinator of the annual international course on Voice prosthesis rehabilitation in Rome, in the international Global Post-Laryngectomy Rehabilitation Academy (GPRA) Program.
He has published more than 70 papers focused predominantly on Head and Neck cancer, including 15 papers on the field of voice prosthesis rehabilitation in laryngectomized patients.
M Quer

Born in Banyoles (Spain), February 10, 1956. He studied Medicine in Barcelona University.
His current position is Full Professor and Chairman of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Specially dedicated to Head and Neck Cancer and Laryngology for the last 40 years.
He has been Chief-Editor of Otorrinolaringológica Española (2001- 2006) and since 2002 is a member of Editorial Board of European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology.
Former President of the ELS (European Laryngology Society), he has organised the ELS Congress in 2008. Elected member of the Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (since 2008).
Former Medical Director of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (2008-2010). Barcelona.
Former President of the Catalan Society of Otolaryngology (2012-2014).
Former President of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (2015-2018).
Prof. Oscar Kleinsasser Award of European Laryngological Society in 2018.
Elected Member of “Reial Acadèmia de Medicina i Cirurgia de Catalunya” in 2023.
More than 200 publications on Head and Neck Cancer and Laryngology in indexed journals. Author-co-author of 7 books and 26 book chapters.
G Succo

Otorhinolaryngologist and Surgical Oncologist.
Chair Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Unit – San Giovanni Bosco Hospital – Turin.
President of European Head and Neck Society Author of 124 peer reviewed papers, mainly focused on partial laryngectomies and, the last ones, on mini-invasive 3D Robotic like surgery.
G Van Nuffelen
EC Ward

Prof Ward is the Director of the Centre for Functioning and Health Research within Queensland Health (, and a Conjoint Professor with the University of Queensland, Australia. Liz is an international leader in the field of speech pathology with over 400 refereed publications to date. Improving the management, care and supports for people with head and neck cancer (HNC) through embedded, health services and implementation research methodologies is a key area of Prof Wards research activity. Her work has supported the implementation of multiple new models of care in the field of speech pathology and she is co-author of the leading textbook for speech pathologists and allied health supporting HNC care. Prof Ward has had invited presentations at conferences in over 20 countries, and in 2014 she was awarded “Fellow” of Speech Pathology Australia for her outstanding contributions to the profession.
National guest faculty
- BAC van Dijk, Department of Research and Development, Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organization (IKNL), Utrecht
- FJP Hoebers, Department of Radiation Oncology (MAASTRO) and Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht
- F Jansen, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Faculty The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Department of Head and Neck Oncology and Surgery
- AJM Balm
- MWM van den Brekel
- R Dirven
- MB Karakullukcu
- L van der Molen
- C Nobbe
- KE van Sluis
- MM Stuiver
- CL Zuur